Effective Termite Control for Your Home: Proactive and Reactive Measures

Need Help In Controlling Termites In Your Home

Home is where the heart is. In your abode, you will want your family to unwind and the pets you choose to stay. However, chances are that you end up having uninvited ‘guests’ in your home. No, the reference here is not to the relatives or nosy neighbors! The reference is to the wood dwellers, termites, or white ants as they are sometimes called.

Termites ruin the wood in your home from the ceiling to the walls to all your furniture. Before you know it, you will run into thousands of dollars into repair work! Termites usually dwell in hundreds or thousands in them of nests or colonies. These are made at different places and they travel underground to get into your home. So getting rid of these termites is not a one-day task.

Pro-active measures

Below mentioned are the most common things you can do to avoid termites.

  1. Consider having a Pest control strategy in the checklist for building a home
  2. While building a home, select your wood carefully – treated wood would be a good option
  3. Get rid of shrubs and old tree stumps
  4. Make provision for good below-the-floor ventilation
  5. Deal with leaking taps, cracks in your roof, pipes, gutters
  6. Engage a good Pest control expert with proven experience in termite management
  7. Schedule periodic inspection of your property from the Pest control expert (Yes, even if you ‘think’ there are no termites)

Reactive measures

These measures include things you have to do to get rid of termites. Get a Pest control expert to assess the situation. Depending on the nature and extent of damage, the pest control group will assess the scale of termite infestation in your home. They also inspect any leaking taps or holes that are tunneling the termites into your home and then tackle these effectively.

There are different modes of tackling termites depending on the nature of the infestation. If the infestation is:

Small Scale

Spraying chemicals will help. But remember, that termites can be eliminated in a single spray or day. It will take a routine to first eliminate the termites existing and then completely get rid of them

Large Scale

 There is a new chemical that is undetectable by the pests, which are picked up by the termites and they carry this chemical to their colonies (where they breed), and pass this on to the entire colony. This chemical gets rid of them.