Education program
Talented and capable young people in developing nations often lack opportunities for basic education and vocational training, as well as the confidence, self-esteem, and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in life and to break the cycle of poverty into which they were born. Family Care Foundation equips these young people to make their way in the world. Then they become part of the long-term solution for the needs of their greater community. Family Care Foundation provides both free academic education and on-the-job training in trades such as computer assembly and repair, electrical engineering, sewing and design, furniture construction, and carpentry. Students also learn about people handling, teamwork, time management, efficiency, person
FCF Drug Awareness program
Overwhelmingly a calamity affecting youth in many nations, illicit drug use results in broken homes, abandoned children, disease, lost opportunities, and loved ones who suffer along with the addict. Once embarked upon, it is a downward spiral with no stopping place. FCF drug awareness programs focus on education and prevention using music, drama, and other youth-oriented media. A hip, motivating say no to drugs message is conveyed via music, the universal medium of young people. FCF project partners promote drug education in schools, conduct anti-narcotic presentations, and present programs in youth hangouts. FCF project partners do symposiums partnering with national police and also train drug counselors and provide former addicts with skills to achieve reintegration into society.
Computer and Educational
Talented and capable young people in developing nations often lack opportunities for basic education and vocational training, as well as the confidence, self-esteem, and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in life and to break the cycle of poverty into which they were born. Despite remarkable technological advances and the wealth and opportunities this creates, the gap between the Internet haves and have-nots is a widening chasm. More than 80% of people in the world have never even heard a dial tone, let alone surf the Web. Family Care Foundations Computer Literacy projects work to bridge this digital divide. We teach computer skills, install computers in needy schools and institutions, host comprehensive computer labs, and provide vocational courses. Family Care Foundation also provides both free academic education and on-the-job training in trades such as computer assembly and repair, electrical engineering, sewing and design, furniture construction, and carpentry. Students also learn about people handling, teamwork, time management, efficiency, personal development, and presentation skills.
Thus, the Family Care Foundation creates 21st-century opportunities to equip young people to make their way in the world. And they become part of the long-term solution for the needs of their greater community.