Medical Relief
Basic medical services, surgical procedures, and supplies including antibiotics, syringes, and bandages are luxuries for many in most developing nations. Family Care Foundation volunteer medical teams provide free treatment and medicines for thousands of patients weekly, and deliver tons of free supplies to hospitals and clinics. We assemble teams of medically trained volunteers for rural medical camps. —Doctors, pediatricians, surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, and logistical personnel that provide no-cost surgeries and prescriptions to the needy. Family Care Foundation also obtains and delivers medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics, builds rural health posts, and provides mobile medical teams.
Emergency Relief
Disasters, ethnic conflicts, and war destroy millions of lives and billions of dollars each year. Survivors lose their loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. They suffer severe distress, fear, and hopelessness. Family Care Foundation manages large-scale relief activities. We were there on the shores of India, Indonesia, and Thailand with tents, blankets, food, and water after the Asian tsunami, at the earthquakes in Chile, India, El Salvador, Turkey, Colombia, and Taiwan; at the site of Hurricane Mitch; at the floods in India and Mexico; and the US Embassy bombing in Kenya. Family Care Foundation partner services include extensive follow-up and counseling to meet the vital, but often overlooked emotional needs of the victims. We frequently work in close cooperation with government agencies. Family Care Foundation’s work with children traumatized by these disasters instills hope for a better tomorrow.
HIV AIDS is the single biggest catastrophe in history. AIDS will kill an estimated 70 million people over the next 20 years. 95% of all people with HIV/AIDS live in developing nations. HIV AIDS has infected huge percentages of whole communities and has orphaned millions of children. Working at the grassroots level, the Family Care Foundation strengthens communities through education and prevention and promotes economic empowerment of caregivers and families. Family Care Foundation project partners provide care and comfort for those afflicted with AIDS, through AIDS awareness seminars, health programs, and counseling in schools, prisons, and other institutions. Other activities include school health programs, free medical treatment and medications, and programs for AIDS orphans.
Orphans and Street Children
Children are the unwitting victims of poverty, war, and disease. Consequently, an overwhelming number of children have been abandoned, abused, or orphaned and now live on the streets. AIDS alone is responsible for an estimated 20 million children and teenagers who have lost their mothers or both parents. Family Care Foundation partners provide food, clothing, medical care, education, supplies, adoption preparation, and trauma therapy for millions of these unfortunates each year. Children are the hope of the future, the leaders of tomorrow. And with opportunities and care being made available to them they can enjoy full, meaningful lives.
Women’s Empowerment
Recognizing that an academic education is vital in tackling the high illiteracy rate of women in developing nations, Family Care supports primary and secondary education opportunities worldwide. Furthermore, in the belief that progress in developing countries is directly linked to women’s empowerment, Family Care promotes vocational training relevant to local market opportunities, enhancing women’s sense of worth and dignity.