Why Do Little Kids Bite?
Why Do Little Kids Bite? Is it an indication that our little ones have a behavioral problem? The answer is NO.
Nearly every kid has gone through the stage of biting, but whether they should be tagged as a biter is a different matter. Studies that were carried out regarding this behavior have shown that almost half of the population of kids who are attending daycare centers or schools have experienced biting or being bitten 3 times a year.
The behavior of toddlers biting is a matter of fact usual or common occurrence and there is no need to worry too much about your kid’s tendency to become violent or so. This behavior can be controlled and taken care of while they are young, only we have to explain to them why biting is not good.
Biting usually occurs in different phases during a child’s development period. The first phase is when their teeth begin to come out of their gums. They normally feel this uncomfortable feeling and this sort of biting can be comforted by biting a teether. And just around the time when your toddler celebrates their 1st birthday is when they start to experience their 2nd phase of biting. During this stage, they typically bite when they are excited. During this phase, you have to be alert when your toddler attempts to bite. You must take frequent measures to stop them right away.
When your toddler reaches the age of two years old, he will likely begin biting once again. This is a phase when your toddler shows that they want to become independent. Your toddler attempts to bite to show that they’re in control. At this point, you have to discipline them by making your kid stay still and explain to them that biting can hurt and injure the person they bite and that it is not a good thing to do. During this stage, your kid simply needs guidance and to be taught what’s wrong and right, and we only need to remind them more often what they must and must not do.
Again, there is no need to worry if your toddler is experiencing a biting phase. You just need to make sure that you closely keep an eye on them and stop them immediately so that they are reminded to refrain from biting. It would not hurt to provide your toddler something to chew on at this phase either just to pacify the urge to bite, but still, the best thing to do is to teach them to control biting by telling them why it is not a good thing to do.